Some of the best features of the Gem Raman System include the following:
- A high-sensitivity O- Spectrometer that is constructed on a Hamamatsu S11639 liner detector along with a 50 µm slit width.
- A variable power (0-60mW) 532nm laser excitation with a narrow line (0.1nm) with a high stability.
- A high-quality Raman Probe complete with a 200 cm-1 lowest Raman shift and a research-grade quality microscope objective (20X and 0.4NA).
The affordable Thunder Optics O-Spectrometer is a premium-quality device. It offers many functions and is far more cost-effective than its high-end counterparts. It is a worthwhile investment for basic experiments and small-scale processes.
The system comes in two configurations. First is 532nm laser excitation with 0.1nm laser widths and adjustable power until 60mW.
Important note! The coupling efficiency is reduced to 70% before fiber entrance. So, the power of at least 40mW will be shined on the sample.
Raman Probe
Going as low as 200 cm-1 for the Raman shift, the Thunder Optics probes of this Raman system have a long working distance of 8mm. This includes a standard setting that has a 20 x 0.40N microscope objective. However, other objectives are also available for convenience.
- Raman shift ranges from 200 cm-1 to 4000 cm-1 with 16 cm-1 as a maximum resolution.
- USB 2.0 cable.
- Handy and easy to use.
- It is a highly portable instrument.
- Long working distance microscope objective 20X 0.40NA (8mm).
- Compact, high-efficiency Raman system.
- Variable slit provides a wide range of resolutions.
- Large range of possible applications.
We provide easy-to-use but complete ThunderView ® software.
Here is a link for the Gem-O-RS demonstration:
Gem-O-RS 532 from Thunder Optics – Spectra Acquisition & Sample Identification with Spectragryph

- Gemology.
- Geology and Mineralogy.
- Environmental science.
- Chemical processes.
- Forensic analysis.
Recommended accessories
- High stability stands for the Raman probe with XYZ micromotions.
- Standard Stand with XYZ micromotions.
- Cuvette Holder for liquid samples.
- Advanced license for the software (sample identification).
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