Contact us

Thunder Optics S.A.S.
Rdpt Benjamin Franklin,
Cap Omega, Montpellier, 34960, France
Lab address for mailing:
1460 Rue Professeur Joseph Anglada,
Montpellier, France, 34090.
+00 33 46 75 62 368
Love your new Thunder Optics instrument? Share a review with others!
Here are a few tips on writing a great review:

1. Include the “Why”: the best reviews include not only whether you like or dislike an instrument, but also why. Feel free to talk about related products and how this compares to them.

2. Be specific: your reviews should focus on specific features of the product and on experience with it. For video reviews, we recommend that you write a brief introduction.

3. Not too short. Not too long: Written reviews must be at least 20 words and are limited to 5,000 words. The ideal length is 75 to 500 words. Video reviews have 10 min limit, but we recommend 2-5 minutes to keep your audience engaged.

4. Be sincere: We welcome your honest opinion-positive or negative. We believe all helpful information can inform our customers’ buying decisions.
Send your reviews to If you have any questions or concerns, please email us too.
